RPM for tools: net-snmp-utils-...
Sample query commands:
snmpget -v1 -c snmp4CSI machinename sysDescr.0
snmpget -v1 -c snmp4CSI machinename sysContact.0
snmpget -v1 -c snmp4CSI machinename sysLocation.0
RPM for snmp client config: net-snmp-5.1.2-11.EL4.7 + libraries (32 and 64 bit versions)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
com2sec local localhost snmp4ESI
## servers in the following area will not be allowed to do query with this client.
com2sec privnet snmp4CSI
com2sec privnet snmp4CSI
group rogroup v1 local
group rogroup v2c local
group rogroup usm local
group rogroup v1 privnet
group rogroup v2c privnet
group rogroup usm privnet
view all included .1
access rogroup "" any noauth exact all none none
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# System Information
syslocation -use snmpd.local.conf instead-
syscontact -use snmpd.local.conf instead-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# System Monitors
storageUseNFS 1
ignoredisk /proc
ignoredisk /etc/mnttab
ignoredisk /tmp
proc /usr/lib/ssh/sshd 10 1
proc /usr/sbin/cron 1 1
proc /usr/lib/inet/xntpd 1 1
disk / 10%
agentSecName internal
rouser internal
defaultMonitors yes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Traps -- use the two closest ones to the region where the system will be installed.
authtrapenable 1
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Extensions
master agentx
syslocation USCA-SF
syscontact US-Unix-Admin