The WASC Threat Classification v2.0
"The Threat Classification is an effort to classify the weaknesses, and attacks that can lead to the compromise of a website, its data, or its users."
The WASC Threat Classification is a cooperative effort to clarify and organize the threats to the security of a web site. The members of the Web Application Security Consortium have created this project to develop and promote industry standard terminology for describing these issues. Application developers, security professionals, software vendors, and compliance auditors will have the ability to access a consistent language and definitions for web security related issues.
The WASC Threat Classification Online
The below grid outlines the 'Threat Classification Enumeration View', the core WASC TC view. Additional views can be found at the Threat Classification Views section.
Threat Classification Frequently Asked Questions
We have published an FAQ addressing commonly asked questions about the Threat Classification. We have also created an entry discussing the need for a new direction for the Threat Classification.
Threat Classification Terminology
Terminology is particularly important so we've created a page outlining the definitions used throughout this document.
Using the Threat Classification
Threat Classification 'Views'
The TCv2 has introduced the concept of 'Views' allowing for various ways to represent the attacks and weaknesses listed within the TC. A list of Threat Classification Views can be found here.
Threat Classification Reference Grid
The Threat Classification Reference Grid was created to allow individuals and products to reference particular Threat Classification sections with a static identifier.
Threat Classification Team
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to: Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Contacting WASC
Questions may be directed to Robert Auger (contact @ with the subject 'WASC Threat Classification Inquiry'.