Here is the simple quick guide to setup disk quotas in Linux. Please post your comments
Uses of Disk quotas:
1. Limits disk usage (blocks or inodes)
2. Tied to file systems (set on a per file system basis)
3. Can be configured for users and groups
Steps to enable quota support:
1. Enable quota support per file system in: /etc/fstab
Add defaults,usrquota,grpquota in end of the line for the file system you want enable quota
2. Remount the file system(s)
a. mount -o remount /
b. use 'mount' to confirm that 'usrquota,grpquota' support are enabled
3. Create quota database files and generate disk usage table
a. quotacheck -mcug / - this creates /aquota.user & /
b. quotacheck -mavug
4. Assign quota policies
a. edquota username - set blocks/inodes soft_limits hard_limit
edquota student1 - sets quotas for user 'student1'
export EDITOR=nano - to have edquota default to 'nano' editor
5. Check quotas
a. quota username
quota student1
Note: place 'quotacheck -avug' in /etc/cron.*(hourly,daily)
6. Report on usage
a. repquota -a - this reports on usage
Note: The blocks are measured in 1K increments. i.e. 20000 blocks is roughly 20MB