The ConsoleKit maintains a list of sessions and therefore is useful if you use Fast User Switching. If you use gdm and Gnome leave this enabled.
* NetworkManager, NetworkManagerDispathcer
NetworkManager provides automatic network detection and configuration for the system. It is useful for modern laptops, where the user may move between wireless networks, and plug in to a variety of wired networks. Unless you are such a userdisable it.
* anacron
Anacron can be used to execute commands periodically. Unlike cron, it does not assume that the machine is running continuously. Hence, it can be used on machines that aren't running 24 hours a day, to control daily, weekly, and monthly jobs that are usually controlled by cron. Leave it enabled.
* atd
atd runs jobs queued for later execution.
* auditd
auditd starts the Linux Auditing System Daemon. Leave it enabled especially if you are using SELinux.
* autofs
If you use removable disks such as usb sticks and usb hard drives leave this enabledto allow them be automounted.
* avahi-daemon
Unless you use ZeroConf stuff disable this.
* bluetooth
Unless you use bluetooth devices disable this.
* capi
Unless you have ISDN hardware disable this.
* cpuspeed
If your cpu allows throttling leave this enabled.
* crond
Scheduled tasks similar to anacron. Leave this enabled.
* cups
This controls Common UNIX Printing System. If you have a printer leave thisenabled.
* dund
This is a Bluetooth Dial-Up-Networking Daemon. Unless you use one of that disableit.
* firstboot
Well, you have done your first boot, haven't you? So disable it.
* gpm
Mouse support in terminal. Unless you use it disable it.
* haldaemon
Daemon for collecting and maintaing information about hardware. It should beenabled.
* httpd
Unless you run an apache HTTP web server, disable this.
* ip6tables
IPv6 firewall. Unless you run using IPv6 (most users don't) disable this.
* iptables
This is the Linux Firewall. If you are contected to a Network/Internet leave thisenabled.
* irda
This controls infrared adaptors. Unless you have one disable it.
* irqbalance
If you have a multi-core cpu, such as Core2Duo or AMD X2 leave this enabled.
* isdn
Unless you have ISDN hardware disable it.
* kudzu
This checks for new hardware pluged into your computer. Unless you change your hardware set it disabled.
* lisa
It provides something like a "network neighbourhood", but only relying on the TCP/IP protocol stack. If you use Samba or NFS set this disabled.
* lm_sensors
Monitors motherboard sensor values. Leave it enabled.
* mdmonitor
If you use software RAID or LVM leave it enabled.
* messagebusSystem messenger that communicates with dbus. Leave it enabled.
* nasdNetwork Audio System Deamon. Leave it enabled.
* netconsoleInitializes network console logging. Leave it disabled.
* netfsMounts and unmounts network filesystems such as NFS and Samba automatically. Unless you use Shared Files set it disabled.
* netplugdnetplugd is a daemon for managing non-static network interfaces. Leave it disabled.
* network
It controles ethernet and wireless network devices. Leave it enabled unless you are not using any of these cards.
* nfs, nfslockUnless you have a Linux-Linux LAN disable those.
* nscd
It handles passwd and group lookups for running programs. You should start this daemon if you use slow naming services like NIS, NIS+, LDAP, or hesiod. In any other case leave it disabled.
* ntpd
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize the time of a computer to reference time source. Leave this enabled unless you have a dual boot system in which Windows controls system time.
* nvidia
This script will check if a nvidia kernel module is present for the running kernel and modify the xorg.conf to the appropriate configuration. If you have an nVidia card this should be enabled.
* pandBluetooth Personal Area Networking Daemon. Provides network services over Bluetooth. Unless you use such services disable it.
* pcscdResource manager for the PC/SC lite and Musclecard frameworks. Unless you use such cards disable it.
* rdiscThis discovers routers on the local subnet. Disable it.
* readahead_early, readahead_laterLoads into memory programs before they are needed. Leave it enabled if you want applications to start faster.
* restorecond
restorecond uses inotify to look for creation of new files listed in the /etc/selinux/restorecond.conf file, and restores the correct security context. If you use SELinux leave it enabled.
* rpcbind, rpcgssd, rpcidmapd, rpcsvcgssdUnless you use NFS v4 set those services disabled.
* rsyslogIt logs system messages. Leave it enabled.
* saslauthdHandles plaintext authentication requests on behalf of the cyrus-sasl library. If you don't need something like that set it disabled.
* sendmailUnless you want to run a Mail Server set it disabled.
* setroubleshootThis starts the SELinux Troubleshooting Daemon. If you use SELinux leave itenabled.
* smartd
Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology (SMART) Daemon. It is recommended this to be enabled but it won't harm you if you disable it.
* smoltIt enables monthly update of Smolt. If you are willing to help Fedora with your system statiscs leave it enabled. Otherwise disable this.
* sshdSSH Server. It allows users to remotely log into your computer. Unless you need this set it disabled.
* wpa_supplicant
This is a wap supplicant with support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i / RSN). If you have a wireless card leave this enabled. Otherwise disable it.
* ypbind
This is a daemon which runs on NIS/YP clients and binds them to a NIS domain. It must be running for systems based on glibc to work as NIS clients. If you are not using NIS disable it.
* yum-updatesd
This daemon periodically checks for updates. If you want to be notified for new updates leave it enabled. However many times that you try to use yum you may get an error about another pid running because of that service.