Packages Required:
rpm –ivh x11vnc-*
rpm –ivh vncserver*
You need to install the above mentioned packages in Linux
Steps to view real X display using VNC
1.Login into the machine which you want to view real X display using telnet/rsh/ssh
2.Run the command “vncserver”
3.If already someone logged in the X session, Run the following command
“x11vnc -auth (homedir of the user who logged to X session)/.Xauthority -display:0”
Note: You must have read permission of the .Xauthority file of the user who logged the X session
4.If nobody logged into the X Session, Run the following command
“x11vnc -auth /var/gdm/:0.Xauth -display :0
5.Run the vnc viewer and use “
Viewing/Controlling real X display will help us on support calls while doing remote support. This is an easy way to interact with the user session in Linux