Following categories of plugins are available in the web
inventory, network, management, reports, data, export, helpdesk, import, buying, calendar, ocs-ng, appliances, entities, graphs, logs, meta-plugin, printers, snmp, snort, switchs
Plugin Installation:
Download the required plugins form GLPI website and extract them in the glpi/plugins folder
Login to glpi web as administrator
go to setup->plugin
There you can find the plugin list
To install the plugin click on => Install
To Activate the Plugin click on => Activate
To configure the plugin click on the plugin name. That will open the Plugin configuration page.
Once you have configured the plugin, you can start using it from the plugin menu.
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GLPI Mysql Replication How to
Login to your secondary Mysql server through console
Create database for replication - glpi_replication
db name = glpi_replication, username = glpiuser , password - glpireppwd
#mysql -u root -p ( enter the mysql root password)
mysql> create database glpi_replication;
mysql> grant all privileges on glpi_replication.* to glpiuser@glpiwebserverip identified by 'glpireppwd';
mysql> exit
mysql> exit
Login to GLPI web as admin
Go to Setup -> General ->Mysql Replicate
Change the settings as shown in the below Screen shot
Enable The Replica - yes
Mysql Server - Ip of your slave mysql server
Database - slave db name
Mysql user - slave db username
Password - password of slave db
Max difference between master and slave - your choice
Email Notification - your choice
Click on postGLPI email notification configuration
If you have working smtp server, user the below configuration
Login to glpi web interface as admin user
go to setup -> notifications ->setup and enter your configurations
If you have working smtp server, user the below configuration
Login to glpi web interface as admin user
go to setup -> notifications ->setup and enter your configurations
Use Email Follow-ups - yes
Administrator Email -
Email Signature - IT Department
Add a link to GLPI in emails - yes
Base URL used -
Use a SMTP server to send emails - SMTP (select relevant config)
SMTP Host - your mail server ip
SMTP Login (optional) - user (If smtp auth is enabled for your server requires use proper mail user. Leave blank if no authentication required)
SMTP Password (optional) - mailpassword
Notification and Alarms options can be default.
GLPI ldap authentication
Login to GLPI through your favorite browser
Go to setup -> authentication
Click on LDAP , add
Enter the following details and click post
Login to GLPI through your favorite browser
Go to setup -> authentication
Click on LDAP , add
Enter the following details and click post
Name - my ldap server
Server - ip of ldap server (eg :
base dn - ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
surnamr - cn
surnamr - cn
comments- description
Go to administration -> users
Click on LDAP link -> import new user -> import
This will import all the ldap users to glpi directory
Step By Step GLPI Installation Guide for linux
1) Working Apache server
2) Working Mysql Server
3) Latest version of GLPI
Step by Step Installation
1) Mysql configuration
Login to mysql server through shell (or webmin). Create database glpidb
db name - glpidb, username - glpiuser , password - glpipwd
1) Working Apache server
2) Working Mysql Server
3) Latest version of GLPI
Step by Step Installation
1) Mysql configuration
Login to mysql server through shell (or webmin). Create database glpidb
db name - glpidb, username - glpiuser , password - glpipwd
#mysql -u root -p ( enter the mysql root password)
mysql> create database glpidb;
mysql> grant all privileges on glpidb.* to glpiuser@localhost identified by 'glpipwd';
mysql> exit
mysql> exit
If you are ruining apache and mysql in different servers, you have to use glpiuser@apacheserverip
2)GLPI installation
Login to apache server host through shell
Download the latest glpi archive
Un tar glpi-0.72.4.tar.gz in the web root directory
#tar -xvzf glpi-0.72.4.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/
#cd /var/www/html
#chown -R apache glpi
Add dns engry for your support website ( to (replace with your ip) )
If you don't have dns server, you can use the ip directly
edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following configurations
< VirtualHost* >
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/glpi
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* - [F]
< Directory "/var/www/html/glpi" >
DirectoryIndex index.php
< /Directory >
Options ExecCGI
< /VirtualHost >
Or add alias for this glpi directory
Restart apache server
#service httpd restart
Browse your support url or ip (from remote computer)for directory access use ( from local host http://localhost/glpi)
Click on Installation button
Click Continue
Enter the Mysql user name password details and continue
host - mysqlserverip (localhost)
User Name= glpiuser
Password = glpipwd
Step 2
Select the database glpi form the shown list and continue
Admin user name - glpi , password - glpi